Monday, August 12, 2019

Recent Photos of The Mountain

The first photo from the jet flying back to Seattle. 
The mountain and other  volcanoes of the area are always spectacular to view taking off and landing. 

This photo below is taken from the campsite. 
It’s a favorite campsite and I know how to get it. It’s 1st come, 1st serve. 
If you’re thinking about a trip to the area, get in touch with me. 
 I can help you plan a way to experience as much as you like
of this beautiful PNW experience. 
Whether it’s camping with family or backpacking, etc., 
I can help guide you. 
A view of the mountain from the comfort of your own campsite is spectacular. 
Others at the campground gravitate to this view. 
It’s a great way to meet other interesting people. 
This view below:
taken on the road between Sunrise Point and Sunrise. 
Drive slow on this road looking down to the left side to see
Elk grazing in the early morning hours. 
You might also hear them and you may hear a shrill Sound.
That would be a marmot. 
Grouse are interesting to see on the mountain, deer, chipmunks at the campsites, don’t leave your car doors open longer than you need to. 
You might take a mouse or chipmunk home with you. 
Not good for your car. And if they die in there.... bad news. 

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